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Window to the Soul Lozenge Pendant

$179.99 Free Shipping

Window To The Soul Pendant by Scottish Designer Keith Jack

Double Sided heavy sterling silver with 24K Gold Gilding on the inside design.

Losenge Shaped

Comes on heavy 18" sterling wheat chain.

Presentation Boxed

Celtic legend is ripe with tales of people moving between the physical and faerie realms. With the passage of time it is now only our souls that can pierce this veil between worlds. This is because our souls are eternal, like the spiritual world, without beginning or end.

Wear this design as a reminder that your soul is what binds your physical self to the spiritual world and that it needs to be nourished with an open heart and mind.

Lozenge Shape Definitions

  1. n. A four-sided planar figure with a diamondlike shape; a rhombus that is not a square.
  2. n. Something having this shape, especially a heraldic device.
  1. n. A plane figure with four equal sides, having two acute and two obtuse angles, also called a diamond; a rhomb; also, formerly, any oblique parallelogram.
  2. n. Somothing resembling such a figure in form. : In heraldry
  3. n. A pane of glass for window-glazing, either lozenge-shaped or square, but intended to be set diagonally; a quarrel.
  4. n. In the cutting of brilliants, one of the four quoins of the upper surface or crown.
  5. n. A spangle.
  6. In decorative art, divided by diagonal lines into diamonds or lozenges: a common distribution of decorative design in the fourteenth century: as, a lozenge pattern. Tapestries of this epoch are often so divided, each lozenge being filled with some heraldic bearing, and the background of miniatures in manuscripts often has the same pattern.

Product Code: 14313

Window to the Soul Losenge Pendant

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Window to the Soul Losenge Pendant

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